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Century Tire Infographics

Infographics, Copywriting, Page Layout

Design two infographics for print, regarding the importance of tire safety, and services that are offered at Century Tire. Create prints based on examples client has gathered from other brands in the same business.

Gather and create vector assets that will be both visually appealing, and informative, for the waiting room of Century Tire. Establish a cohesive color scheme that connects the infographics with each other.  

Created two infographics with cohesive color schemes, using both original and stock vector images. Arranged and reworded the desired text, including only the most important information. Made designs visually appealing through use of balance and unity. 

Tire Safety Practices infographic
Tire Safety Infographic explaining and showing how tires may affect how soon you stop on a wet road. The poster encourages clients to schedule tires services today.
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