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Hushhh Meditation

Branding, Marketing, UI, UX


Cell phones have a reputation of being distracting and poor for both physical and mental health. When used in different ways, such as for meditation, it can have quite the opposite effect for mobile users.


Design a mobile meditation app that makes it simple to relax and meditate anytime, anywhere. Find and use relevant fonts and editable stock images to create 

cohesive branding. Implement a relaxing color scheme for the text and images.    


Hushhh an easily navigable app 

that is straightforward for use 

among all demographics. The app offers guided meditations,

relaxing sounds, yoga flows, and sleep stories. You can now find 

focus and relaxation at your fingertips anytime, anywhere.     

Hushhh Yoga and Meditation app home screen. Here you can login or create an account. The image shows a woman of color and her white cat meditating within her home in a cartoon style of drawing.
Hushhh Yoga and Meditation app Welcome screen. Here you can search for guided meditations, sleep stories, relaxing sounds etc. The image shows a white woman meditating surrounded by plants in a cartoon style of drawing.
Hushhh Yoga and Meditation app Sleep Stories screen. Here you can click and listen to sleep stories for different length of time sessions. The image shows a Latina woman meditating surrounded by plants in a cartoon style of drawing.
Hushhh Yoga and Meditation app Habit Tracking Calendar. Here you can receive stats on your mindfulness minutes spent per month. The image shows a calendar, and the text explains the breakdown of mindfull minutes totaled per month on the app.
Hushhh Yoga and Meditation website home page shown on a tablet. Hushhh Yoga and Meditation app home page shown on an iPhone.
Hushhh Yoga and Meditation app page shown on 3 different iPhone screens.
Woman sitting on yoga mat holding iPhone with meditation app welcome page on the screen.
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